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Pursuing social value rooted in management for happiness based on
human-centered management philosophy

“ SK innovation pursues “sustainable social values” to resolve social problems in innovative ways through social enterprises and create stable jobs for socially vulnerable groups, including the elderly and people with disabilities for their self-reliance. ”

Creating value by nurturing social enterprises

SK innovation is promoting the activation of ecosystems for social enterprises as one of the methods for creating social value. Social enterprises have a strength of adopting business methods in resolving social problems, making them one of the most optimal alternatives to handling social problems while governments, NGOs, and for-profit companies lack the capability. SK innovation provides a variety of supportive activities such as finding and supporting social enterprises and fostering star social enterprises to resolve various social problems more innovatively.

History of social enterprise

Since the dawn of social enterprises, SK innovation has been leading in the quantitative and qualitative growth of social enterprises in sincere and sustainable manners. In 2013, SK innovation discovered sustainable business models through the project of “Discover and Support Social Enterprises” for the first time among large corporations and provided support for those enterprises to secure business competitiveness through the sharing of the infrastructure of tangible and intangible assets.

Based on this, SK innovation has helped those enterprises grow into successful social enterprises or social cooperatives. In addition, we are striving to provide jobs and social services to vulnerable groups, mainly through the Ulsan site, by steadily supporting the nurturing of social and economic organizations in Ulsan.

Status of the project of
discovering and supporting social enterprises

Project purpose
Helping vulnerable groups become self-reliant by creating jobs for them and implementing conversion to social enterprises.

Project details
Selecting projects that need our support, and supporting facility investment and consulting for them for three years.

Facility investment, as well as education by legal, labor, accounting, marketing experts.
Support for consultation for conversion to social enterprises.
Education for the enhancement of job competence of vulnerable groups.
Support for pioneering markets and support through SK pro bono, etc.

Project performance
Completed the conversion of 12 enterprises to social and economic enterprises.
Created 300 jobs.