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CEO message

We will become the No.1 global material specialist
through constant technical innovation.

Based on technology competitiveness,
SK ie technology will become a global top-tier solution company.
CEO & President of SK ie technology KIM, CHEOL JUNG

Dear Stakeholders of SKIET SK ie technology established its own management system to respond quickly to environmental changes after its 2019 spin-off, and
was listed on the securities market in May 2021.

SK ie technology is making efforts to enhance the environmental value of its products with eco- friendly management as its core value.
We will contribute to reducing GHG emissions through LiBS manufacturing, a key component of electric vehicles,
and further expand the conversion of eco-friendly processes to production facilities.

In addition, we will strengthen ESG management by establishing a transparent governance structure and
strive to earn trust and respect from all stakeholders.

Thank you.

SK ie technology CEO & President